Psychological insights on relationships: rejections, breakups, making relationships happy, unhealthy dynamics, and general psychology.

An Interesting Problem-Solving Strategy You Can Apply In Everyday Life

To solve a problem, it is often necessary to stop thinking about it. Here’s how to do it.

The brain is always dealing with the current problem or the problem that bothers it the most.

It tries to find solutions to things that trouble it to make us safe because every unresolved problem is a potential danger to us.

Therefore, our brain must work at full speed day and night (in three shifts) to help us/save us.

The man solves the problem

If all your energy is focused on one thought, you will miss other thoughts that could be the solution to your problem.

However, in all of this, there is a paradox. If the brain is dealing with a so-called “burning problem,” as long as it doesn’t find its solution, it cannot stop directing all its energy toward solving the problem. That means you must provide it with a solution.

The thing is, the solution is often complex to find, precisely because all the energy and focus are on the problem, while the answer lies outside of it. It’s like focusing on how to make a cat happy in a box when the solution to its happiness is outside the box. Especially people with significant emotional problems sometimes remain stuck in this loop, even for their entire lives.

That’s why it’s necessary to help your brain by providing:

even if they’re not entirely accurate. (In the opposite case, all the energy is in suffering.)

If your mind accepts that there is a solution or that the outcome is optimistic, it can stop dwelling on the given problem and redirect energy to other thoughts. For example, if you are suffering because someone has left you and you don’t know how to resolve it, convincing yourself that you will eventually be together again can allow you to start living a beautiful and productive life, and who knows what new opportunities may unfold for you?

The goal is to free your mind to start seeking solutions outside the box, meaning you can move forward. From moving forward and making changes come new ideas, real-life shifts, and ultimate solutions.